British Columbia Health Organizations
以下列出了卑诗省(BC省)部分主要的健康协会和机构及其网页链接。如果你希望查阅更多的卑诗省健康机构资讯,可浏览卑诗省卫生厅网站的Organizations 卑诗省健康机构网页。
- 卑诗省健康行业网络 British Columbia Health Industries Network (HINET) - Developed to meet the information and networking needs of the British Columbia health industry.
- 卑诗省健康工业发展办公室 British Columbia Health Industry Development Office - a non-profit, publicly
supported organization established by the provincial government.
- 卑诗省儿童与妇女健康中心 Childrens & Womens Health Centre of BC
- 温哥华信息服务处 Information Services Vancouver - British Columbia's largest provider of information and referral (I&R) services. We are your link to thousands of community, social, and government agencies.
- WorkSafe Health & Safety Centre
- BC Health Coalition
- 卑诗省健康热线 BC Healthlines (phone numbers to call, .pdf file).
- 卑诗省健康服务与政策研究中心 Center for Health Services and Policy Research
- 卑诗省妇女健康优化中心 BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind
- HospitalSoup.com - Find Hospitals, Health Care Systems, Clinics, Nursing Homes and other medical facilities across America and Internationally.
- Health Canada
- BC Health Information Management Professionals' Society
- BC Cancer Agency
- 卑诗省公众健康协会 Public Health Association of British Columbia
- 卑诗省社区健康协会 Community Health Associates of British Columbia
- 加拿大精神健康协会卑诗省分会 Canadian Mental Health Association - BC Division
- 卑诗省天主教健康协会 Catholic Health Association of British Columbia