21st Century Medicare International Travel Plan
以下是加拿大21世纪公司(21st Century Travel Insurance Limited.)的Medicare出境旅行医疗保险计划,适合加拿大公民、永久居民、以及拥有UHIP医疗保险的在加拿大学习的国际留学生等出境旅游或短期工作、学习的旅行医疗保险需要。Save Away则是该计划的一个具有保额较低等特征的低收费版本,主要适合已经有团体或信用卡提供的旅行医疗保险者或不希望付更高费用购买Medicare者。(Medicare International Travel Plan of 21st Century Travel Insurance Limited for Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and internatioal students with UHIP coverage to travel outside of in CanadaSave Away Plan is a discount travel insurance for anyone who resists buying full-priced, comprehensive Emergency Medical coverage because they think it’s too expensive or not worth the premium or anyone with existing travel medical coverage on their group or credit card coverage. ) 尽管我们努力使我们的网站也方便手机浏览,但由于公司的文档较多都为PDF格式文件,尤其是各类表格,可能需要用电脑浏览。不便之处,敬请原谅。
- Medicare计划保费 Medicare International Rate Card
- Medicare计划保单规定提要 Medicare International Market Brochure
- Medicare旅游医疗保险计划规定中文提要 Medicare International Overview - Chinese
- Medicare出境旅行医疗保险计划保单规定全文 Medicare International Policy Wording – Emergency Medical (PDF文件)
- Medicare计划取消旅程计划英文保单规定全文 Medicare International Policy Wording – Trip Cancellation (PDF文件)
- Medicare计划全包计划英文保单规定全文 Medicare International Policy Wording – All Inclusive (PDF文件) SaveAway计划:
- SaveAway计划保费 Save-Away Rate Card
- SaveAway出境旅行医疗保险计划英文保单规定全文 Save-Away Policy Wording (PDF文件)
- Medicare计划问卷表 Medicare Plan Questionaire Form
- SaveAway计划问卷表 Save-Away Medical Questionnaire Form
- 取消保单及退款申请表 International Travel Medical Insurance Cancellation / Refund Request Form - 如提前回国等原因需要中途取消保单时,请打印填写该表并签名后传真或扫描电邮发送给我们或公司。
- 问题咨询或在线预申请Inquiry or Pre-application - 如果您在加拿大旅行医疗保险方面有任何进一步疑问,或希望提交预申请要我们回电确定,可填写该表发送给我们。
销售管理公司(Administrator):21世纪旅行医疗保险公司(21st Century Travel Insurance Limited.)
索赔承保公司(Underwritten by): 宏利公司(Manulife Financial, 加拿大第二大保险公司)
24小时联系中心(24/7 Assistance Centre):1-877-882-2957 (toll-free from the USA and Canada). If unable to use the toll-free number, call collect to Canada: +1 519-251-7856。You must call prior ro receving any medical treatment. If it is medically impossible for you to call when the emergency happens, call as soon as you can or have someone to call on your behalf. 就诊前须通知公司。若身体紧急状况不能打电话,请在您身体许可时尽快通知公司或请他人代您打电话通知公司。
索赔联系热线(Claims Assistance Centre): To report a claim: 1-877-882-2957 (toll-free from the USA and Canada). If unable to use the toll-free number, call collect to Canada: +1 519-251-7856。To enquire about the status of your claim, call 1-855-297-4379 from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. See Clain Form for required documents for claim and the mailing address. 报告索赔,电话为1-877-882-2957(美国、加拿大境内)。若不能使用该免费长途电话, 可打公司付费电话 1 519-251-7856。查询索赔进展电话:1-855-297-4379(加东时间8:00 AM至8:00 PM)。索赔所需材料和邮寄地址见索赔表上。
管理公司介绍(Policy Administration):21st Century Travel Insurance Limited is a Managing General Agency that provides all types of travel insurance products to individuals and groups across Canada. The head office is in Cobourg, Ontario and all insurance policies are underwritten by Manulife Financial. For policy administration inquiries, call 1-800-567-0021 toll-free from the USA and Canada or 905-372-1779.