The CUMIS Group Limited公司承保
加拿大Allianz公司(Allianz Global Assistance)加拿大公民和永久居民出境旅行健康保险计划分三类。一是出境旅游医疗保险, 二是出国工作、侨居(Expatrates)人士医疗健康保险,三是可附加在上述两类计划上的附加计划(Optional Plans)。 尽管我们努力使我们的网站也方便手机浏览,但由于公司的文档较多都为PDF格式文件,尤其是各类表格,可能需要用电脑浏览。不便之处,敬请原谅。
取消Allianz公司(Allianz Global Assistance)加拿大公民和永久居民出境旅行健康保险计划保单并要求退保时,您需要填写 Refund Request Claims Waiver Form 取消保单并退款申请表(PDF文件)并签名, 然后将填好的表格传真给Allianz公司。您也可以将填写好的表格传真或扫描电邮给我们,由我们转给公司。公司一般在四至六周左右退款给您。如果您是信用卡付款,退款会退还到您信用卡中;其他方式付款退款会以支票形式邮寄给您。如果您在买保单以后有地址变更,在退保申请时别忘记告知公司您的新邮寄地址。
(A) 在保单生效前整个行程取消了。或(B) 受保人在保单到期前15以上(含15天)返回了加拿大。
1. 保单期间没有受保索赔;2. 中途退保Allianz将扣除25加元手续费;
3. 保单“policy confirmation”的复印件(传真件);以及
4. 显示返回加拿大日期的机票的复印件(传真件)。上述表格和材料可一并传真给Allianz公司。
To process Allianz premium refund, client is requested to complete and sign the Refund Request Form (PDF文件), then you need to fax the form to Allianz. You might send the request form to us and we will forward it to the company for you. It will take about 4-6 weeks for you to receive the refund. If you paid in credit card, your refund will be sent to your credit card account. Otherwise, it will be refunded to you be check.
Please note refunds are payable when:
(A) the entire trip is cancelled prior to the effective or(B) the insured returns to Canada 15 days or more prior to the expiry date.
Please also note:
1. There should be no claim on the policy;2. There will be a $25 administration fee (if is partial refund) charged by Allianz;
3. A copy of policy confirmation and
4. A proof of air-ticket to show the return date, please fax a copy together with the attached Waiver form to Allianz.
For details, please read the Policy Booklet.