GMS Insurance Inc.公司承保
以下是加拿大GMS公司 (Group Medical Services)加拿大居民前往境外留学医疗保险StudentPlan计划资讯。包括:保险保费、保单内容提要、保单条款规定全文、相关报告和公司简介等资讯。
- 申请表格与保费 Application Form & Rates (PDF文件) - 若您决定购买,可下载该表格,填写好后传真或Email给我们,也可以填写以下预申请表,再由我们同您联系确定。
- 保单规定摘要 Policy Brochure(PDF文件)
- 保险计划简介 Policy Highlights
- 保单原文全文 The Complete Policy (PDF文件)
- 各公司计划主要特征比较 Comparison of Plan Features of Different Companies (PDF文件)
- GMS加拿大居民出境留学健康保险申请表格 Application Form (PDF文件) - 若您决定购买,可下载该表格,填写好后传真或Email给我们,也可以填写以下预申请表,再由我们同您联系确定。
- 索赔资讯 Claim Information
- 加拿大留学生医疗保险计划价格、问题询问、或预申请 Inquiry or Pre-aaplication - 如果您在加拿大学生出境留学医疗保险方面有任何进一步疑问,或希望询问保费价格,或希望提交预申请要我们回电确定,可填写该表发送给我们。
销售管理公司:GMS (Group Medical Services)Insurance Inc.
索赔承保公司: GMS (Group Medical Services)Insurance Inc.
24小时联系中心: GMS (Group Medical Services)Insurance Inc. 1-800-459-6604 within Canada and the USA and Collect call 416-260-4970 from all other locations.
索赔联系热线:Toll Free 1-800-459-6604 (within Canada and the USA) or Collect (416) 260-4970 (from all other locations)
管理公司介绍:Group Medical Services (GMS) has been providing health and travel insurance coverage since 1949. GMS is expert in emergency medical coverage and offer a wide range of flexible plans at competitive rates. GMS is a non-profit corporation based in Regina, Saskatchewan.