GMS Travel Medical Insurance
以下是加拿大GMS公司(Group Medical Services Insurance Inc.)加拿大公民和永久居民出境旅行健康保险计划详细资讯(GMS travel insurance for Canadian citizens and permanent residents who travel outside of Canada)。 尽管我们努力使我们的网站也方便手机浏览,但由于公司的文档较多都为PDF格式文件,尤其是各类表格,可能需要用电脑浏览。不便之处,敬请原谅。
- TravelStar保单规定摘要及保费(英文) Brochure and Rates(PDF文件)
- TravelStar保单规定摘要及保费(中文)Chinese Brochure and Rates(PDF文件)
- TravelStar申请资格要求 GMS TravelStar Eligibility Requirements (PDF文件)
- TravelStar计划健康现状问卷表 GMS TravelStar Medical Questions (PDF文件)
- 英文保单全文 The Complete Policy (PDF文件)
- 医疗索赔申请表 Medical Claim Form (PDF文件)
- 保单更改申请表 TravelStar Change Request Form (PDF文件)
- 旅行计划取消/中断索赔申请表 Trip Cancellation/Interruption Claim Form (PDF文件)
- 行李索赔申请表 Baggage Loss/Damage Claim Form (PDF文件)
进入该公司网站在线购买 Buy On-line Now
- 问题咨询或在线预申请Inquiry or Pre-application - 如果您在加拿大旅行医疗保险方面有任何进一步疑问,或希望提交预申请要我们回电确定,可填写该表发送给我们。
销售管理公司:GMS (Group Medical Services)Insurance Inc.
索赔承保公司: GMS (Group Medical Services)Insurance Inc.
24小时联系中心:EMERGENCY TRAVEL ASSISTANCE, 1-800-459-6604 within Canada and the USA and Collect call 905-762-5196 from all other locations.
索赔联系热线:Toll Free 1-800-459-6604 (within Canada and the USA) or Collect (416) 260-4970 (from all other locations)
管理公司介绍:Group Medical Services (GMS) has been providing health and travel insurance coverage since 1949. GMS is expert in emergency medical coverage and offer a wide range of flexible plans at competitive rates. GMS is a non-profit corporation based in Regina, Saskatchewan.