GMS Individual Health Insurance Plan
GMS公司为以下省份加拿大居民提供个人延伸医疗保险计划(GMS Indivdual Personal Health)服务:BC(卑诗省), AB(阿尔伯特省,亚省), SK(沙省,萨省), MB(缅省,慢尼托巴省), ON(安省,安大略省), NS(新斯科舍省,NS省,诺瓦斯克舍省),PE(爱德华王子岛,PE省)和NF(纽芬兰省,纽省,NF省)。其个人延伸医疗保险计划有两种:Personal Health(个人健康计划)和Replacement Health(替代健康计划)。两种的最大区别是,替代健康计划是为原本有公司团体保险计划的人士,但因退休、退职等原因其享受团体计划的权益被终止,而需要的一种替代原团体健康保险而设计的个人健康保险计划。
Personal Health(个人健康计划类型):
根据具体包含的受保范围和赔偿百分比不同,这两大计划类型又都包含有三个不同计划选择。Personal Health(个人健康计划类型)包含的三个计划分别称为:BasicPlan(基本计划)、ExtendaPlan(扩展计划)、和OmniPlan(Omni计划)。从基本计划到Omni计划,所保内容或金额愈益增加,详细了解三个计划的异同,可以浏览以下保单规定提要中的说明。尽管我们努力使我们的网站也方便手机浏览,但由于公司的文档较多都为PDF格式文件,尤其是各类表格,可能需要用电脑浏览。不便之处,敬请原谅。 与其他公司同类计划相比,GMS的个人健康保险计划的最大特点是将处方药、牙、住院期间现金保障、旅行医疗保险等分列出来,受保人可以只选择自己所需要的部分,从而节省费用。如一个58岁的受保人若主要是希望购买与牙相关的医疗费用的保险,则可选择基本计划(每月$7.50)加上Dental Care(牙保险,$51.50),月费仅为$59。GMS个人健康保险计划在各省的保费和规定略有差异,以下列出了针对安省、BC省和阿尔伯达省的价目与摘要,若您不居住在这三个省,可向我们查询。
- The Policy 保单规定英文全文手册(PDF文件) - Complete plan details and policy wording booklet.
- GMS Personal Health Insurance Brochure & Premium Rates (PDF) for Ontario - Overview of GMS Individual Health and additional coverage options; includes side by side benefit comparison of plan options.
- GMS个人健康保险计划保单规定提要及保费费率(PDF文件,安大略省)
- GMS Personal Health Insurance Brochure & Premium Rates (PDF) for Alberta Province - Overview of GMS Individual Health and additional coverage options; includes side by side benefit comparison of plan options.
- GMS个人健康保险计划保单规定提要及保费费率(PDF文件,亚省)
- GMS Personal Health Insurance Brochure & Premium Rates (PDF) for British Columbia Province - Overview of GMS Individual Health and additional coverage options; includes side by side benefit comparison of plan options.
- GMS个人健康保险计划保单规定提要及保费费率(PDF文件,BC卑诗省)
Repalcement Health(替代健康计划类型):
Repalcement Health(替代健康计划类型)也包含有三个不同计划选择:EssentialPlan(基本计划)、ChoicePlan(精选计划)、和PremierPlan(至尊计划)。从基本计划到至尊计划,所保内容或金额愈益增加,详细了解三个计划的异同,可以浏览以下保单规定提要中的说明。尽管我们努力使我们的网站也方便手机浏览,但由于公司的文档较多都为PDF格式文件,尤其是各类表格,可能需要用电脑浏览。不便之处,敬请原谅。 该计划的主要优点是1)No questionarie to ask (无条件受保),以及2)No Waiting Period(没有等待期)。GMS替代健康保险计划在各省的保费和规定略有差异,以下列出了针对安省、BC省和阿尔伯达省的价目与摘要,若您不居住在这三个省,可向我们查询。
- The Policy of Replacement Health GMS替代健康保险保单规定英文全文手册(PDF文件) - Complete plan details and policy wording booklet.
- GMS Repalcement Health Insurance Brochure & Premium Rates (PDF) for Ontario - Overview of GMS Individual Replacement Health and additional coverage options; includes side by side benefit comparison of plan options.
- GMS个人替代健康保险计划保单规定提要及保费费率(PDF文件,安大略省)
- GMS Repalcement Health Insurance Brochure & Premium Rates (PDF) for Alberta - Overview of GMS Individual Replacement Health and additional coverage options; includes side by side benefit comparison of plan options.
- GMS个人替代健康保险计划保单规定提要及保费费率(PDF文件,阿尔伯达省)
- GMS Repalcement Health Insurance Brochure & Premium Rates (PDF) for British Columbia Province - Overview of GMS Individual Replacement Health and additional coverage options; includes side by side benefit comparison of plan options.
- GMS个人替代健康保险计划保单规定提要及保费费率(PDF文件,卑诗省)
- GMS Individual Personal Health Plan Application Form GMS个人延伸医疗保险申请表(PDF文件) - Printable application form for BasicPlan, ExtendaPlan? or OmniPlan? and Prescription Drugs, Dental Care, Hospital Cash and Annual Travel Options.
- GMS Individual Personal Health Plan Upgraded Application Form GMS个人延伸医疗保险特定计划申请表(PDF文件) - Printable form to upgrade plan type (ex: BasicPlan to ExtendaPlan) and/or add additional coverage options such as Prescription Drugs, Dental Care, Hospital Cash and Annual Travel.
- GMS Individual Repalcement Health Plan Application Form GMS个人延伸医疗保险替代计划申请表(PDF文件).
- GMS Personal Health and Dental Claim Form 索赔表(PDF文件) - For health claims submitted for the following plans: GMS Individual Health Plans, GMS Group Advantage? and GMS Insured Group Benefit Plans. This form can also be used to submit dental claims.
- GMS Replacement Health and Dental Claim Form 替代计划索赔表(PDF文件) - For health claims submitted for the following plans: GMS Replacement Health Plans.
- Hospital Cash Claim Form(PDF文件) - For Individual Health Plans with the Hospital Cash Option. Only for Hospital Cash claims.
- Travel Emergency Medical Claim Form (PDF文件) - Applicable to all emergency medical claims made while traveling outside your province of residence. Includes claims made in relation to these products: TravelStar? Single Trip Daily & Multi-Trip Annual Travel, Immigrants & Visitors to Canada Plan, StudentPlan, GMS Individual Health Plans. Also used for GMS Group Advantage? and GMS Insured Group Benefit Plans that include travel coverage.
- GMS Individual Information Update Form 个人信息更新申请表(PDF文件)
- GMS Pre-Authorized Payment Application/Change Form 银行转账申请或信息更新表(PDF文件)
- GMS Individual Health Plans Buy On-line - GMS公司个人延伸医疗保险计划在线购买 - 您可以自己点击进入公司网站购买,若有任何疑问可电话1-877-7 168 168或微信Lynn2982772向我们询问,或者由我们代您完成购买手续。
- 保费询问、问题咨询或预申请 - 如果您在加拿大个人延伸医疗保险方面有任何进一步疑问,或希望询问保费价格,或希望提交预申请要我们回电确定,可填写该表发送给我们。
公司介绍: GMS公司 - Group Medical Services (GMS) is Canada's expert in health and travel insurance, providing a complete range of health and travel coverage to individuals and groups. Based in Regina, Saskatchewan, GMS has provided Canadians with friendly, personalized service since 1949.