GMS Group Health Insurance Plan
GMS公司团体延伸医疗保险计划的团体福利计划根据保费与公司大小受保人数的多少而分为Advantage团体计划(3-25人;GMS Group Advantage Medical Plan)和Insured团体延伸医疗保险计划(26人及26人以上;Insured Group Benefit Plans)。Advantage团体延伸医疗保险计划根据受保人数(公司雇员人数)多少分Silver(银色计划)、Gold(金色计划)、和Platinum(白金计划)、Diamond(钻石计划)四个档次。愈高档次计划提供的受保范围或金额也可能更多。Insured计划则需要申请人填写预申请表,然后由GMS根据公司的情况给出保费价格。尽管我们努力使我们的网站也方便手机浏览,但由于公司的文档较多都为PDF格式文件,尤其是各类表格,可能需要用电脑浏览。不便之处,敬请原谅。
GMS公司Advantage 团体医疗保险计划(3-25人):- GMS Group Advantage Plan Rates - GMS公司Advantage团体医疗保险计划保费
- GMS Group Advantage Booklet - GMS公司Advantage团体医疗保险计划简介
- GMS Group Benefits Brochure - GMS公司团体医疗保险计划规定提要
- GMS Group Advantage Health Plan at a Glance - GMS公司Advantage团体医疗保险Silver、Gold、Platinum、Diamond计划比较
- GMS Group Advantage Plan Application Form (PDF文件) - Advantage计划申请表。您可打印填写后通过电邮或传真发送给我们。
- GMS Group Advantage Plan Employee Enrolment/Change Form (PDF文件) - For enrolling employees into a GMS Group Advantage plan and/or changing information for existing members.
- GMS Group Advantage Plan Claim Form (PDF文件) - Advantage计划索赔表。
- 更多表格 More Forms ... (PDF文件)
GMS公司Insured 团体医疗保险计划(26人及26人以上):
- GMS Group Insured Plan Outline - GMS公司Insured团体医疗保险计划简介
- GMS Group Benefits Brochure - GMS公司团体医疗保险计划规定提要
- GMS Group Quote Screening Form (Excel文件) - Use this spreadsheet to quickly calculate a quote that can be printed and given to a client; an area for a competitor price comparison is included.
- GMS Group Quote Request Form (PDF文件) - Use this fillable PDF to request a quote for a group benefit plan.
- GMS Group Benefit Plan Design Form (PDF文件) - Use this fillable PDF to design a client’s group benefit plan.
- GMS Group Quote Screening Form (Excel文件) - This template can be used to submit employee data for group benefit plan quotes.
- GMS Group Benefit Plan Application Form - Without Life (PDF文件) - Application for Custom Quoted Group Benefit insurance. For use with group plans which do not include Life & Disability Benefits
- GMS Group Benefit Plan Employee Enrolment/Change Form - Without Life (PDF文件) - For enrolling employees into a GMS Group Benefit Plan and/or changing information for existing members. For use with group plans which do not include Life & Disability Benefits.
- GMS Group Benefit Plan Claim Form (PDF文件) - Group Benefits计划索赔表。
- GMS TravelStar? Group Application (PDF文件) - This application can be used for groups of 5 or more who would like to purchase a Single Trip Daily Emergency Medical Plan; trips must be less than 21 days。
- 更多表格 More Forms ... (PDF文件)
- 保费询问、问题咨询或预申请 - 如果您在加拿大团体延伸医疗保险方面有任何进一步疑问,或希望询问保费价格,或希望提交预申请要我们回电确定,可填写该表发送给我们。
公司介绍: GMS公司 - Group Medical Services (GMS) is Canada's expert in health and travel insurance, providing a complete range of health and travel coverage to individuals and groups. Based in Regina, Saskatchewan, GMS has provided Canadians with friendly, personalized service since 1949.