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Manulife Group Health Insurance

  同其它加拿大提供团体延伸医疗保险的公司一样,宏利公司(Manulife Financial)的团体延伸医疗保险也是包括在其团体福利计划(Group Benefits)之中。除延伸医疗保险外,团体福利计划中还包含了定期人寿保险和意外死亡保险,而伤残保险和重病保险受保公司可选择包括或者不包括。团体福利计划根据受保单位的性质、雇员人数、受保条款和内容的选择等而有不同价格。另一种叫FollowMe延伸医疗保险计划,则是为团体延伸医疗保险计划因某些原因(如离职)将被终止的人士设立。

公司介绍: Manulife Financial (宏利)公司 - First incorporated in 1887 as The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company with Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first Prime Minister, as President, Manulife and its affiliates have grown to become a leading Canadian-based financial services group serving more than 8.7 million customers in 19 countries and territories worldwide.